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Muscletech Phase 8 Sustained Release Protein - 4.5 lbs

Phase8 is a premium blended fast, medium and sustained-release protein formula that feeds your muscles for 8 hours. Each scoop contains an impressive 26 grams blend of milk-derived proteins that supplies a sustained-release of amino acids. Phase8 has a superior, clean macronutrient profile with only half the carbs and fat of the leading competitor. The main protein component in Phase8 has the unique ability to release amino acids in your blood stream for 8 hours after taking it. 1. Because of these sustained-release properties, it's a highly anabolic and anti-catabolic protein that helps create a muscle-building environment for longer periods of time. Overall, Phase8 contains only high-quality milk-derived protein sources designed to digest at different rates, putting your body in the perfect state for repair and recovery. Unlike other protein blends, you won't find any low quality proteins like rice protein in Phase8. Phase8 was flavored by one of the world's top flavoring houses by protein flavoring experts in order to taste better than any other protein on the market. Phase8 contains high quality milk-derived protein and has half the fat and carbs of the leading competitor. No proprietary blends/no under dosed key ingredients, no fillers-period. MuscleTech performance series supplements gives it to you straight with fully disclosed doses (no proprietary blends), no fillers, no hype and no exceptions. Our products are built on legitimate science so that you get what you pay for. Make the smart choice. We challenge you to compare.